Seminer – Prof. Dr. Cemal Dinçer “An Engineer’s Quest Between Academia and Industry” – Yaşar Üniversitesi – Endüstri Mühendisliği Bölümü

Seminer – Prof. Dr. Cemal Dinçer “An Engineer’s Quest Between Academia and Industry”

Endüstri Mühendisliği bölümü seminer serisinin bu seneki ilk konuşmacısı Rektörümüz Prof. Dr. Cemal Dinçer olacaktır. Rektörümüz,  23 Ekim 2015 Cuma günü saat 10.30’da F-003 nolu amfide “An Engineer’s Quest Between Academia and Industry” başlıklı bir seminer verecektir.

Seminer tüm katılımcılara açıktır.

Prof. Dr. Cemal Dinçer’in kısa özgeçmişi (short-bio):

Prof.Dr. Cemali Dinçer is a graduate of Ankara METU (Middle East Technical University) from the Department of Industrial Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering.  He subsequently completed his graduate training in the US, studying on a NATO scholarship at Stanford University on a MSc in Industrial Engineering and, Statistics, followed by a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. He was then invited to help establish the Department of Industrial Engineering at Bilkent University, the first “Foundation University” of Turkey started education in Ankara at the time. In 1986 he became one of the first academic staff members at Bilkent University.  After working there for 10 years, Dr. Dinçer then transferred to the private sector and worked as General Manager of Yeni Asır newspaper(a Sabah Group of Media Company) in Izmir. Later he joined Izmir University of Economics (IUE), where he first established the Faculty of Communication and then the Faculty of Computer Sciences.  This then became the basis for the Faculty of Engineering at IUE.  Dr. Dinçer later initiated the Department of Software Engineering at IUE, offering the first such bachelor level degree in Turkey.  He also opened the Department of Computer Engineering and Industrial Systems Engineering, as the first department giving such training in Turkey, and subsequently the Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.  In 2006 Dinçer served as the General Manager of IzAIR (Izmir Airlines).  In 2011 he worked at Istanbul Bilgi University as the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and then as the Vice Rector, responsible for Academic Affairs.  Dr. Dinçer then returned to Izmir as Vice Rector of IUE and as a committee member of the Izmir Techno Park Consultative Board.  Following these posts, he started work at Yaşar University in Izmir in September 2014.  Initially he fulfilled the duties of the Director of the Academic Office, before being appointed to serve as the Rector of Yaşar University.

Dr. Dinçer has received many awards, primarily from Stanford University, as well as writing international and national articles, books and projects.