Panel: Optimization in Ports – Department of Industrial Engineering

Panel: Optimization in Ports

“International Logistics Days”, organized by YAŞAR University International Logistics Management Department and Logistics Society was held on 6-7 April 2017 in Selçuk Yaşar Campus. Within the scope of the event, a panel titled “Optimization in Ports” was chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Türsel Eliiyi, head of the Department of Industrial Engineering. Other panelists included Assoc. Prof. Dr. Soner Esmer from Dokuz Eylül University, Nemport Software Development and Project Manager Figen Kalfa, and Research Assistant Sel Özcan from the Department of Industrial Engineering.

The panel emphasized the importance of optimization in the ports, and what it meant to the sector and the academicians. By emphasizing the importance of ports in world trade, the most developed ports in the world and the share of ports in Turkey in the trade, the ways of increasing this share was discussed. Participants emphasized the importance of optimization in ports, the inherent difficulties in the nature of related operational problems, and the need of a systematic point of view. Useful examples from real life projects were also discussed, as well as the two current senior projects in our department on port optimization.